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28 May 2010

Grails Spring Events Plugin

Following on from my last post I've developed a Grails plugin that packages the asynchronous events behaviour up and adds some extra useful functionality.

In addition to the asynchronous event processing the plugin gives you:
  • A publishEvent method attached to all domain classes, controllers and services.
  • A Hibernate session bound to the listener thread for the duration of the notification so that listeners can access lazy-loaded properties, etc.
  • The ability to have a "retry policy" for certain types of failed notifications on individual listeners. This is particularly useful for listeners that do things like invoking external web-services that may be periodically unavailable.

To install the plugin just use:
grails install-plugin spring-events

The code and some more detailed documentation is on GitHub. I'll be migrating the docs to the plugin's page on soon.

3 May 2010

Asynchronous application events in Grails

On the project for my current client we've been using JMS in a rather naïve way for some time now. We've also experienced a certain amount of pain getting JMS and ActiveMQ configured correctly. However, all we're really using JMS for is asynchronous event broadcasting. Essentially we have a handful actions such as flushing hardware caches and notifying external systems that take place when a document changes. We don't want these things blocking the request thread when users save data.

After wrestling with JMS one too many times we decided to take a look at Spring's event framework instead. It turns out it's extremely easy to use for these kinds of asynchronous notifications in a Grails application.

Essentially any artefact can publish an event to the Spring application context. A simple publishing service can be implemented like this:
import org.springframework.context.*

class EventService implements ApplicationContextAware {

    boolean transactional = false

    ApplicationContext applicationContext

    void publish(ApplicationEvent event) {
        println "Raising event '$event' in thread ${Thread.currentThread().id}"
So a Grails domain class can then do something like this:
def eventService

void afterInsert() {
    eventService.publish(new DocumentEvent(this, "created"))

void afterUpdate() {
    eventService.publish(new DocumentEvent(this, "updated"))

void afterDelete() {
    eventService.publish(new DocumentEvent(this, "deleted"))
Grails services make ideal ApplicationListener implementations. As services are singleton Spring beans they are automatically discovered by Spring's event system without any configuration required. For example:
import org.springframework.context.*

class EventLoggingService implements ApplicationListener<DocumentEvent> {

    boolean transactional = false

    void onApplicationEvent(DocumentEvent event) {
        println "Recieved event '$event' in thread ${Thread.currentThread().id}"
Of course, multiple listeners can respond to the same events.

If you run the code you will notice that by default Spring's event system processes events synchronously. The EventService and ApplicationListener will print out the same Thread id. This is not ideal if any of the listener implementations might take any time. Luckily it's easy to override the ApplicationEventMulticaster bean in resources.groovy so that it uses a thread pool:
import java.util.concurrent.*
import org.springframework.context.event.*

beans = {
    applicationEventMulticaster(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster) {
        taskExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
Running the code again will show the event being published in one thread and consumed in another. If you have multiple listeners each one will be executed in its own thread.

Oddly, I would have thought it was possible to override the taskExecutor property of the default ApplicationEventMulticaster in Config.groovy using Grails' property override configuration, but I found the following didn't work:
beans {
    applicationEventMulticaster {
        taskExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()

Selenium RC plugin v1.0

The Selenium RC plugin for Grails has hit version 1.0 with:
  • Firefox 3.6 support
  • grabbing of screenshots on test failures
  • the ability to call JavaScript user extensions on the selenium object as though they were regular Groovy methods
among other features. Check out the documentation at and install with grails install-plugin selenium-rc.

Building your app on Hudson with Multiple Grails versions

For my Grails plugins I generally write a test project (or more than one). I thought it would be useful to be able to run these against multiple versions of Grails on my build server so I can spot any incompatibilities with the versions the plugin is supposed to support.

Using Hudson this turned out to be pretty straightforward.

You will need all the Grails versions you want to test against installed on your Hudson box. I put them in /opt so replace that with wherever you have them in the steps below. Also, if you want the builds to run in parallel and will be running any functional tests you'll need the Hudson Port Allocator plugin.

  • Start by creating a new job in Hudson and choosing "Build multi-configuration project".
  • The configuration dialog has an extra section "Configuration Matrix" where you can set up the different config combinations that will run. We're just interested in varying the Grails version so check the "Axes" and create a new axis named "GRAILS_VERSION" with the different versions you want in the "values" box, e.g. "1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3.0.RC2"
  • Set up your source code repository and build triggers as you would for any other project.
  • If you want to run the builds in parallel and are running any functional tests you will need to make sure that Grails starts up on a unique port. In the "Build environment" section add a new "Plain TCP port" named "GRAILS_PORT". If you're running anything else that needs a port such as a Selenium server you'll need one for that as well.
  • Add an "Execute shell" build step. Unfortunately the Hudson Grails plugin does not allow you to use a variable to specify the Grails version so you'll have to go old-school:
    export GRAILS_HOME=/opt/grails-$GRAILS_VERSION
    export PATH=$GRAILS_HOME/bin:$PATH
    # assign Grails a unique port (you can skip this if you're only running unit/integration tests)
    export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dserver.port=$GRAILS_PORT"
    grails clean
    grails upgrade --non-interactive
    grails test-app --non-interactive
  • Check "Publish JUnit test result report" in the "Post-build Actions" section and specify target/test-reports/*.xml as the "Test report XMLs"

When you run the Hudson job you should see it kick off one sub-job for each Grails version. Each will check out the project, upgrade it to the relevant Grails version and run the tests.

I have my plugin test projects triggered by the plugin build and have them grab the plugin zip itself from the archived artefacts in the plugin's Hudson job. So I've added this before the grails test-app step:
grails install-plugin http://my.hudson.server/hudson/job/my-plugin/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ --non-interactive
There's a bug in Grails 1.3.0.RC2 that means you will need to split this into a wget followed by installing the zip from a file path rather than a URL. This is fixed in trunk so won't be a problem in Grails 1.3 final.

If you're using SVN I think you may need to revert any changes the grails upgrade has made to, etc. otherwise you'll get merge conflicts on the next run. This does not seem to be a problem with Git.