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26 Aug 2011

Grails Gotcha: Beware HEAD requests when rendering binary output in controllers

Although most Grails controllers render HTML, JSON or XML output it is possible to use them to render binary data as well. We use a controller to render images uploaded by editors into our content management interface. The theory is simple enough, instead of using the render dynamic method or returning a model the controller action just writes bytes directly to the HTTP response stream. Our action looked something like this:

def show = {
    def image =
    if (image) {
        response.contentType = image.contentType
        response.outputStream.withStream { stream ->
            stream << image.bytes
    } else {
        response.sendError SC_NOT_FOUND

This seemed to work well enough. However when writing a test I noticed an odd thing. I was using RESTClient to scrape resource URLs out of and make a HEAD request against them to ensure the URLs were valid. Javascript and CSS files were working fine but all the non-static images in the page were getting 404s. Initially I suspected a data setup problem and spent some time ensuring my test was setting data up properly. It was only once I put some debug logging in the controller action that I saw that the controller was actually loading images. The 404 was not coming from the else block in the action as I initially assumed. I tried changing the RESTClient call from head to get and suddenly the image URLs started working!

Once I did that I realised what the problem was. An HTTP HEAD request does not expect a response, in fact a server receiving a HEAD request must not return a response. The response stream that our controller action is writing to is, when the request method is HEAD, actually a no-op stream. When the action completes Grails checks to see if anything has been committed to the response stream and since it has not assumes that we want to render a view by convention. You can probably see where this is going now. The convention is that the request gets forwarded to grails-app/views/<controller>/<action>.gsp which of course does not exist. The forwarded request sets a response code of 404 because there is no GSP!

We caught this bug in our app completely by accident but it could actually have been quite serious. Caching proxies and CDNs may well use a HEAD request to revalidate content and on getting a 404 assume that the URL is no longer valid. If the 404 response itself then gets cached we could get broken images on our site because the CDN tells the client browser there's nothing there.

The solution is simple enough. I changed the controller action to simply set a 200 response code when it gets a HEAD request for a valid image:

def show = {
    def image =
    if (image) {
        if (request.method == "HEAD") {
            render SC_OK
        } else {
            response.contentType = image.contentType
            response.outputStream.withStream { stream ->
                stream << image.bytes
    } else {
        response.sendError SC_NOT_FOUND

A neater solution might be to use Grails’ support for mapping actions to request methods so that GET and HEAD requests dispatch to different actions.

18 Aug 2011

Data-driven variation with Spock

Spock’s where: block is commonly used with a data table but can also be driven by any Iterable data. It’s worth bearing in mind that the data driving the where: block doesn’t have to be hardcoded, it can be dynamic. For example, today we implemented a spec to ensure that every table in our database schema has a primary key (because it’s required by HA-JDBC and not automatically added by GORM on join tables). In this spec the where: block is driven by the list of table names read from the database metadata.

import grails.plugin.spock.IntegrationSpec
import java.sql.Connection
import javax.sql.DataSource
import spock.lang.*
class DatabaseSchemaSpec extends IntegrationSpec {
@Shared def dataSource
@Shared List<String> tableNames
def setupSpec() {
tableNames = []
dataSource.withConnection {connection ->
def rs = connection.metaData.getTables(null, null, '%', ['TABLE'] as String[])
while ( {
tableNames << rs.getString(3)
@Unroll("the #table table has a primary key")
void "all tables have a primary key"() {
dataSource.withConnection { Connection connection ->
assert connection.metaData.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, table).next()
table << tableNames
class DataSourceCategory {
static void withConnection(dataSource, Closure closure) {
Connection connection = dataSource.connection
try {
} finally {

Something like this could be done with JUnit, of course. A test could iterate over the table names and assert that each has a primary key. However, such a test would fail fast whereas with the power of Spock’s @Unroll annotation the spec creates a separate test result for each database table and will run each individually regardless of whether any others pass or fail. The command line output from this spec will be enough to tell you which tables do not have primary keys as @Unroll puts the table name right in the test name.

The other great thing about this spec is that it doesn’t require maintenance; as we add more domain classes to our app the spec will automatically check the associated tables.

2 Aug 2011

Avoiding accidental i18n in Grails

We’re developing an app that’s exclusively for a UK audience so i18n really isn’t an issue for us. However recently we got bitten by some i18n creeping in where we didn’t want it. Specifically, when using Grails’ g:dateFormat tag the default behaviour is to format the date according to the Locale specified in the user’s Accept-Language header. Even though we are explicitly specifying a format pattern for the date Java is aware of localized day names for some languages so the output can vary. The result is that on a page full of English text there suddenly appears a Spanish or Swedish day name. What makes things worse is that as we use server-side content caching and a CDN if a user with a non-English Accept-Language header is the first to see a particular page or bit of dynamically retrieved content then the cache is primed and until it expires everyone will see the non-English day name text.
The solution in a Grails app is as simple as replacing Spring’s standard localeResolver bean with an instance of FixedLocaleResolver. Just add the following to grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
localResolver(org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.FixedLocaleResolver, Locale.UK)
This changes the way Spring works out the request locale and any locale-aware tags should just fall into place.